Precanceled Stamps

Precanceled stamps are special stamps that come in small denominations and are specifically for Presorted First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail mailings. Mailers apply these special stamps to envelopes at a lower postage price (say, 15 cents) and pay the difference when they drop off the mail at the Post Office. The Business Mail Entry Unit clerk can help you fill out your postage statement to calculate how much you still owe. You can pay that difference with a check, a meter strip, or through a postage account.

Precanceled stamps are available in various non-denominations in coils for the following classes of mail:

Business Mail 101 - American Eagle Business Mail 101 - Woody Wagon Business Mail 101 - Patriotic Banner Business Mail 101 - Sea Coast

  1. How to apply for a permit to use precanceled stamps
  2. How to use precanceled stamps
  3. Tips on using precanceled stamps
  4. Quick Service Guide 604b, Precanceled Stamps