1-2 Publication 417

Publication 417 provides information about eligibility, authorization, and rules for Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail, as follows:

  1. Chapter 2 explains the categories of organizations eligible to mail at the Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail prices and types of organizations that generally are not eligible.
  2. Chapter 3 explains how to apply for Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail authorization at the Post Office or Post Office(s) where the organization plans to deposit mail.
  3. Chapter 4 explains how to determine if an individual mailing meets the general requirements for mailing at the nonprofit prices.
  4. Chapter 5 explains the cooperative mail rule and what constitutes an ineligible cooperative mailing.
  5. Chapter 6 explains how to apply the specific content-based restrictions to Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail.
  6. Appendix A provides case studies showing how to apply the content-based rules.
  7. Appendix B contains questions and answers regarding content-based restrictions.
  8. Appendix C contains the Customer Support Rulings (CSRS) that apply to Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail.
  9. Appendix D contains information for obtaining the two application forms for authorization to mail at nonprofit prices.