Country Conditions for Mailing — Vietnam


Prohibitions (130)

Arms of all kinds, munitions, war material, and accessories.

Cigarettes and cigars.

Coins; banknotes; currency notes; securities payable to bearer; platinum, gold, or silver (manufactured or not); precious stones; jewelry; and other valuable articles.

Cosmetics, with the exception of Harmonized Systems (HS) Code 3600 (oral and hygiene dental products in individual packaging) and HS Code 3700 (preshave, shaving, or aftershave preparations).

Invisible ink, codes, cyphers, symbols or other types of secret correspondence, and shorthand notes.

Mobile (cellular) telephones.

Perishable infectious biological substances.

Products made from non-Vietnamese tobacco.

Radio transmitters and receivers and radio set accessories of any kind.

Radioactive materials.

Sealed tinned foodstuffs.

Unused postage stamps.

Used clothing, blankets, mosquito nets, and shoes.


Any kind of merchandise of commercial value sent for trade must have the authorization of the Ministry of External Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Currency, postage stamps for sale or exchange, checks, and securities and other financial instruments must be licensed by the U.S. Treasury Department.

Paintings, pictures, books, newspapers, cinema films, photographic films, records, miscellaneous articles for the stage, all other literary and artistic productions, objects of art and of sculpture, all kinds of children’s toys must have the authorization of the Ministry of Culture of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The following quantity limits are imposed by Vietnam on the indicated items:



Quantity Limit





Beans (all kinds)

Dried Manioc

Dried sweet potatoes


Cooked fat

Dried meat

Salted meat

Dried fish

Dried cuttlefish

200 g

500 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g

1000 g


  1. Due to a trade embargo, the U.S. Department of Commerce limits the items mailed to Vietnam to the following:
    1. Printed books, pamphlets and miscellaneous publications, including bound newspapers and periodicals; children’s picture and painting books; newspapers and periodicals, unbound; music books, sheet music, calendar blocks, paper; and advertising printed matter exclusively related to developed motion picture films, books, miscellaneous publications, newspapers, and periodicals.
    2. Commercial phonograph records, recorded; and prerecorded records reproducing in whole or in part, the content of printed books, pamphlets and miscellaneous publications, including newspapers and periodicals.
    3. Motion picture film and soundtrack — exposed and developed.
    4. Exposed and developed microfilm reproducing, in whole or in part, the content of printed books, pamphlets and miscellaneous publications including newspapers and periodicals; children’s picture and painting books: and music books, sheet music and calendars.
    5. Merchandise shipments other than gifts and gifts valued at $200 and above, are prohibited unless the sender has a validated export license issued by the Office of Export Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230.
  2. Gift shipments containing merchandise value at under $200 may be mailed without a validated export license. Mark address side of shipment “GIFT—EXPORT LICENSE NOT REQUIRED.”

Customs Forms Required (123)

First-Class Mail International items and Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes and Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes:
PS Form 2976 (see 123.61)

Priority Mail International parcels:
PS Form 2976-A inside 2976-E (envelope)



Global Express Guaranteed (210) Price Group 6


Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, commercial base, or commercial plus price.

Weight Limit: 70 lbs.


Insurance (212.5)


Insured Amount

not over


Insured Amount

not over



No Fee

For document reconstruction insurance or non-document insurance coverage above $800, add $1.00 per $100 or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of $2,499 per shipment.















$2,499 max.



Value Limit (212.1)

The maximum value of a GXG shipment to this country is $2,499 or a lesser amount if limited by content or value.


Size Limits (211.22)

The surface area of the address side of the item to be mailed
must be large enough to completely contain the Global
Express Guaranteed Air Waybill/Shipping Invoice (shipping
label), postage, endorsement, and any applicable markings.
The shipping label is approximately 5.5 inches high and
9.5 inches long.

Maximum length: 46 inches
Maximum width: 35 inches
Maximum height: 46 inches
Maximum length and girth combined: 108 inches

General Conditions for Mailing  

See Publication 141, Global Express Guaranteed Service Guide, for information about areas served in the destination country, allowable contents, packaging and labeling requirements, tracking and tracing, service standards, and other conditions for mailing.



Express Mail International (220) Price Group 6


Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, commercial base, or commercial plus price.

Weight Limit: 66 lbs.


Express Mail International  Flat Rate Envelope and Flat Rate Boxes


Insurance (222.8)

Available for Express Mail International merchandise shipments only


Insured Amount

not over


Insured Amount

not over



No Fee

For insurance coverage above $2,000, add $1.50 for each $500 or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of $5,000 per shipment.











$5,000 max.


Articles Admitted

Required Customs

Correspondence and business papers.

PS Form 2976, Customs CN 22 and Sender’s Declaration. Endorse item clearly next to mailing label as BUSINESS PAPERS.

Merchandise samples without commercial value and not subject to customs duty.

PS Form 2976, Customs CN 22 and Sender’s Declaration.

Merchandise and all articles subject to customs duty.

PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note CP 72, inside a PS Form 2976-E, Customs Declaration Envelope CP 91. Include a commercial invoice in each item.


Size Limits (221.52)

Maximum length: 36 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches



Coins; banknotes; currency notes, including paper money; securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler’s checks; platinum, gold, and silver; precious stones; jewelry; watches; and other valuable articles are prohibited in Express Mail International shipments to Vietnam. All items prohibited in regular international mail are also prohibited in Express Mail International to Vietnam.


Reciprocal Service Name: EMS

Country Code: VN

Areas Served:  


Bentre Town

Bienhoa Town

Cantho City

Caolanh Town

Danang City

Hadong Town

Haiduong Town

Haiphong City

Hanoi City

Hochiminh City

Hongai Town

Hue Town

Longxuyen Town

Mytho City

Namdinh Town

Nhatrang City

Phanrang Town

Soctrang Town

Tanan Town

Tayninh Town

Thaibinh Town

Thanh Hoa City

Thudaumot Town

Travinh Town

Vinh City

Vinhlong Town

Vungtau City



Priority Mail International (230) Price Group 6


Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, commercial base, or commercial plus price.

Weight Limit: 70 lbs.


Note: Ordinary Priority Mail International includes indemnity at no cost based on weight. (See 230.)


Priority Mail International  Flat Rate

Flat Rate Envelopes or Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds. Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, commercial base, or commercial plus price.

Flat Rate Boxes — Medium and Large: The maximum weight is 20 pounds, or the limit set by the individual country, whichever is less. Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the retail, commercial base, or commercial plus price.


Insurance (232.92)

NOT Available


Size Limits (231.22)

Maximum length: 42 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches



First-Class Mail International (240) Price Group 6

For the prices and maximum weights for letters, large envelopes (flats), packages (small packets), and postcards, see Notice 123, Price List.


Size Limits  

Letters: See 241.212

Postcards: See 241.221

Large Envelopes (Flats): See 241.232

Packages (Small Packets): See 241.242 and 241.243


Airmail M-bags (260) —

Direct Sack to One Addressee Price Group 6


Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, commercial base, or commercial plus price.

Weight Limit: 66 lbs.


Matter for the Blind (270)

Free when sent as First-Class Mail International, including Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes and Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes. Weight limit: 4 pounds.

Free when sent as Priority Mail International. Weight limit: 15 pounds.


Extra Services  

Certificate of Mailing (313)


Individual Pieces


Individual article (PS Form 3817)


Firm mailing books (PS Form 3877), per article listed (minimum 3)


Duplicate copy of PS Form 3817 or PS Form 3877 (per page)





Bulk Quantities


First 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof)


Each additional 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof)


Duplicate copy of PS Form 3606



COD and Certified  

NOT for International Mail


International Business Reply Service (382)

Fee: Envelopes up to 2 ounces $1.50; Cards $1.00


International Postal Money Order (371)

NOT Available


International Reply Coupons (381)

Fee: $2.20


Registered Mail (330)

Fee: $11.75

Maximum Indemnity: $47.33

Available for First-Class Mail International,
including postcards and Flat Rate Envelopes
and Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes, and matter
for the blind or other physically handicapped
persons. Not applicable to M-bags.


Restricted Delivery (350)

Fee: $4.55

Available for registered mail with a return receipt.


Endorsements: A remettre en main propre.


Return Receipt (340)

Fee: $2.35

Available for registered mail only.